Een aantal UniFi Console apparaten, waaronder de UDM SE, UDR (Dream Router), UNVR en Cloud Keys G2 hebben afgelopen nacht een update gekregen naar de nieuwste console versie 3.0.13. Deze 3.x wordt later ook nog verwacht voor de oudere UDM en UDM Pro.

In de nieuwe 3.x versie zijn een hele hoop aan verbeteringen en nieuwe functies toegevoegd, waaronder Wireguard VPN ondersteuning, Ad Blocking, OpenVPN tunnel rules en een hoop verbeteringen in de User Interface.

Let op: De Ad blocking wordt op dit moment nog uitvoerig door ons getest, deze is namelijk nog niet 100% correct waardoor dat je soms links van bepaalde zoekresultaten (zoals Google) niet kunt openen. Dit word intern besproken bij UI en we hopen hier binnenkort een update van te krijgen.

Hieronder een complete lijst van alles;


  • Redesign UniFi OS Application page.
  • Add Admin Activity to System Log in UniFi OS.
  • Add Storage events to System Log in UniFi OS.
  • Add Cloud connection events to System Log in UniFi OS.
  • Add Trigger logs in the Network Application.
  • Add VPN Client Routing.
  • Add Ad-blocking feature.
  • Add Wireguard VPN Server support.
  • Add OpenVPN tunnel in traffic rules.
  • Add support for DHCP Client option 77 and 90.
  • Add support for OpenVPN tunnel in Traffic Routes.
  • Allow adding multiple VPN Clients.
  • Upgrade WAN RJ45 port driver.
  • Upgrade Debian distribution to Bullseye.
  • Upgrade NodeJS to 16.14.2.
  • Upgrade PostgreSQL to 14.5-1.
  • Update password rules for local account.
  • At least 12 characters.
  • Allow to have a space.
  • Only allow strong strength level passwords.
  • Update DPI Signatures.
  • Update GeoIP Database.
  • Update Suricata configuration for Threat Management.
  • Improve mechanism for detecting disk insert and remove event.
  • Improve connection stability between console and Network application.
  • Improve landing page during setup.
  • Improve UX for Config Backup Restore during setup.
  • Improve UX for creating account during setup.
  • Improve the performance checking firmware and application updates.
  • Improve stability for direct connection.
  • Improve disk formatting flow for when console is reset with disk inserted.
  • Improve UniFi OS backup restore resiliency.
  • Improve email and push notification stability.
  • Improve PPPoE performance on RJ45 2.5G WAN port.
  • Improve SFP+ Link speed auto-detect feature.
  • Auto-update all installed applications including non-setup applications when auto-update for applications is enabled.
  • Disable application actions during console bootup.
  • Correctly re-enable the application to match the backup state after the backup restore.
  • Check for application updates immediately after switching the Release channel.
  • Prevent downgrading to firmware versions older than 3.0.9.
  • Persist console invitation after console reboot.
  • Disable application accordingly to match the state in backup file after restore.
  • Disable email notification in UniFi OS for new installs. (push notifications enabled by default)
  • Decrease amount of DNS traffic to bare minimum via U-LTE when it is not active.
  • Optimize DNS Filtering events to prevent spamming and CPU Consumption.
  • Report OpenVPN Site-to-Site VPN events to the Network application.
  • Monitor Disk UNC error.
  • Change menu title to uppercase on LCM.
  • Change splash screen title to “Starting” on LCM.
  • Show MAC address in “No Internet Detected” screen for initial setup.
  • Show ISP name in Internet related error screens.


  • Fix scheduled traffic rule issues related to DST.
  • Fix incorrect application installation status detection in UniFi OS.
  • Fix timezone validation for some cities (e.g. Kiev <=> Kyiv).
  • Fix wrong “Power on Hours” value for some disk models.
  • Fix “Restore Console with a Backup File” page during setup when there is huge number of backups.
  • Fix auto negotiation issue with the UACC-CM-RJ45 module.
  • Fix corrupted IPsec Site-to-Site VPN rx/tx counters when the number reaches to 2Gb.
  • Fix issue modifying existing domain based traffic rule.
  • Fix issue that LTE WAN failover state not showing correctly on Network Application.
  • Fix WAN failover when WAN1 is link up but with bad health.
  • Fix issue that Network may not show the right L2TP VPN client.
  • Fix not removing some configurations when removing a U-LTE device.
  • Fix stopped applications start-up automatically after disk reformed or disk re-plug during runtime.
  • Enable/Disable the application after updating it to match your preference.
  • Restore auto-update settings after restoring UniFi OS backup.
  • Avoid repeated application update notifications for the same version.

Updates worden (bij onze klanten) iedere nacht automatisch uitgevoerd.

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